Friday, February 22, 2008


how DO people do it in third world countries. our dishwasher of 11 years broke, and i'm whining and complaining because we've been without one for two days now. the hubby ran out and bought a new one (along with a new fridge and stove too - all stainless... it was time...) so until it gets here, i've of course been handwashing the dishes in the kitchen sink... BUT then we realized, when we saw water on the floor in the living room, that the dishwasher had been leaking, and probably had been leaking for days. so our floors may be damaged as well.... urg! so... we turned off the water to the sink, and i washed the dishes in the bathtub this morning. but FIRST i had to scrape all the food off into the trash - YUCK. i've never been more in love with my garbage disposal as i am at this very moment. so i feel quite certain that i would not survive without the luxuries that america has to offer..... but at the same time, makes me so sad to realize there are people across this world that don't even have fresh drinking water. i am humbled today.....


Sparkly Strandz said...

That's so funny! I hate touching food when scraping or washing in the sink!! Texture thing I guess!

Manda said...

oh no! haha...i hate washing dishes by hand...i feel blessed to have a dishwasher.

jewelstreet said...

lol. It's not funny, but it is because I can completely empathize. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has had to do this.

Bella Rosa said...

ugh! I hate doing dishes! I had no idea how much I loved dishwashers until I moved into an apartment without one!

Carolina said...

It is true...we are so blessed!!! often we forgot those that no have the "small luxuries" that we have right now.
Meanwhile, have fun doing your dishes thanking God for what you have!!!

Sherrin said...

wow, what a different world we live in... I have never had a dish washer, and have absolutely no desire at all to get one. If you keep on top of doing the dishes, it can be therapeutic... yep, that probably sounds ridiculous, hey?! But then, I live in Australia, where we are in the middle of one of the worst droughts on record, so to use a dishwasher seems wasteful of water.

Having all the new stainless steel stuff sounds pretty delux! And I hope your floor is okay!

Anonymous said...

I'm weird. I love doing dishes by hand. My dishwasher has been broken for months...the little red light just blinks away (something wrong with the keypad but I really don't care enough to fix or buy a new one).
I never knew you could ruin a dishwasher by not running it often, but it's true.

No disposal here. The farm sink has a teeny tiny hole for drainage. Although I did try without success to retrofit that 100 year old sink when I bought it LOL!

Hope the plumbing issues are over!
